Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Getting Long COVID from an Asymptomatic Case

I've been wondering what happened to Gill Deacon, the host of Here and Now on CBC  Radio One in Toronto. It turns out that she is on medical leave, suffering from long COVID. Her case is unusual because she didn't know that she had had COVID until having a blood test months after developing debilitating symptoms that had no apparent cause. A blood test confirmed that there were COVID antibodies in her blood. (The nucleocapsid test that she had can detect natural COVID antibodies, even if you have been vaccinated). 

Medical authorities (mostly) have been saying that only people who have severe COVID get long COVID. I've been seeing reports that suggest otherwise, but this is the first time I've heard of a person getting long COVID from an asymptomatic case. 

Yet another reason to keep masking and avoid crowds. 

Here's an article from the AMA discussing recent research into long COVID.

And here's one about a study that showed that administering monoclonal antibodies could cause remission of long COVID symptoms.

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