Monday, January 20, 2020

Interview With Michael Chabon About Picard

Here's a long interview with Pulitzer prize-winning author, Michael Chabon, who is the showrunner for the new Star Trek series, Picard, which starts on Thursday. I have high hopes for this. It has to be better than Star Trek: Discovery. Almost anything would be better than Discovery.
And beyond that, anything you’re going to hand Patrick Stewart, he can play. It’s not like you have to write around limitations.
It’s incredible, the things he does over the course of the season. Because it’s not just him playing the Picard that you know when you think of Picard. He’s playing Picard who’s decades older, has been through a lot, has aged physically, is looking at his life in the way that someone who’s middle-aged wouldn’t. In canon in our story, Picard is I believe 92. So he’s older than Patrick is, but someone who’s been alive that long, looking at his life, is going to be behaving very differently than someone who’s however old Patrick was when he started doing TNG. Patrick had all of that. He presents the character of Picard very much as the same guy. And yet, he’s changed, inevitably. He’s older, he’s wiser, he’s sadder, he has more regrets and more to regret. All of that just emerged on day one of shooting.

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