Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Why Is the Triple Double So Hard?

Last week, US gymnast Simone Biles did an incredibly difficult gymnastic skill, a triple double. I am not a gymnast, (I was excused from gymnastics in high school after knocking myself out on the vaulting horse.) nor athletic, but I can appreciate it when someone pushes the boundaries of what the human body can do.

This Twitter thread, by Suzanne F. Bosell, is the best article I've seen so far on Biles' achievement. It explains the history of the gymnastic skill, using video clips to show what she and other gymnasts were doing, and compares it to male gymnasts who have been doing the triple double for a while.

For a different take on it, here's an article from Wired that looks at the physics of the skill. This is something I can actually understand (my minor in university was math and physics). And despite what it looks like in the videos, she was only in the air for 1.18 seconds!

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