Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Upgrading WebWorks ePublisher

I was a happy user of Quadralay's WebWorks ePublisher throughout my career at the TSX. It is a reliable tool that is highly customizable and Quadralay's support is first rate. ePublisher has a small but dedicated community of users on the wwp-users Yahoo Group. One of them, Nadine Murray, has just updated her guide to upgrading WebWorks ePublisher.

Quadralay has designed ePublisher to allow users to customize almost all aspects of the program. Some customizations are relatively straightforward and can be managed easily through the program's interface; other customizations are more complex. These customizations can be lost when upgrading to a new version. Quadralay is aware of this and have included tools in the interface to manage them. However, the process can be confusing.

Nadine's guide is a solid supplement to Quadralay's own documentation and should be helpful to anyone customizing ePublisher (which, based on my experience, would be most users).

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