Thursday, August 01, 2019

How to Be a Better Writer

There's a lot of advice for writers out there on the Internet. Some of it's good; most isn't. This article by Gareth Branwyn is one of the good ones.
I have been a writer my entire adult life. I am self-taught. But I have had the pleasure of writing for some top-notch, cutting-edge magazines and dailies. I have written ten books. I’ve worked at Wired, Details, Esquire, The Baltimore Sun, Mondo 2000, and Make; I have worked with some truly impressive and inspiring editors and authors. I always try to learn from those around me, and so, over the years, I have picked up some very useful tips and tricks on the art and craft of writing. Here are some of the ideas that have changed my work life and my approach to writing. I’d love to hear some of yours.
I'm not familiar with Branwyn's work (although given the magazines he's written for, I've likely read some of it), but the advice he offers makes a lot of sense, and dovetails with advice from other writers whose advice I trust.

I should note that the advice he offers applies to a wide range of writing; some of it will be appropriate for technical writers, despite the narrower focus of their work.

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