Monday, August 12, 2019

Creating Low-Bandwidth Web Sites

I got my start on the Internet in the very early days of the Web (even before the Web, actually) using a 56K modem. So the size of the website mattered - a lot. Now, with broadband connections it's not as big of an issue except for mobile users who may be limited in connection speed and have a data cap they have to worry about.

For Smashing Magazine, Chris Ashton surfed several popular sites on the Internet to examine how they would work for a user on a tight (50 MB) data budget. He was able to develop several guidelines that web developers should keep in mind to ensure that their sites work well for low-bandwidth users.

Technical writers who are developing web-based documenation should also find this article useful, although the tool they are using may limit the amount of optimization available to them.

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