Tuesday, August 20, 2019

16 Invasive Species You Shouldn't Buy

It's a good idea to use native plants in your garden as much as possible. We have planted some milkweed, for example, in the front and back yards to attract Monarch butterflies (it works).

Here's an article that lists 16 invasive species, that are not native to North America, and can spread and cause problems if you plant them. You're quite likely to find some of these at your local garden centre.
Most of us gardeners assume that the people that run our local garden center are knowledgeable and know exactly what they’re selling – and for the most part, that’s true.  But what happens when some of the most commonly sold plants also happen to be some of the most invasive?
Due to the globalization of our society, it’s become very easy to get plants from different areas of the world, grow them, and sell them to gardeners everywhere.

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