Thursday, June 13, 2019

More On the Cost of Running a Tesla

Here's an interesting tweet about the cost of running a Tesla. It cost the poster $129.09 (US dollars) to run his Tesla for 5,000 miles. Converting to metric and Canadian dollars, that's about $172.00 Canadian dollars for 8,047 kilometers or 2.1 cents a kilometer at 13 cents US per KWh. I think our rates would be comparable.

Comparing it to gas costs, our car uses about 9 litres per 100 km. At a cost of $1.20 per litre, that's $10.80 per 100 km. or 10.8 cents a kilomtre, about five times more expensive than for the Tesla.

And that doesn't include maintenance costs, which were essentially zero for the Tesla. Our first oil change, at 6,000 km. was about $50. That adds up, fast.

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