Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Minivac 601 Replica

The Minivac 601 was an educational toy designed to teach digitial circuit design. It was developed by information science pioneer, Claude Shannon.

Now, courtesy of Michael Gardi (who happens to be my awesomely talent cousin), you can build your own replica.
The Instructable presented here is for a full size replica of that Minivac 601 from 1961. I have tried to remain as true to the original as possible given the technologies and resources available to me. I don't have a "vintage" unit so this replica has been constructed based on photos and from the original manuals that were available online. I have included these manuals in PDF format as part of this project. I brought these files to a local copy center and had them printed as the spiral bound booklets you can see above. I'm really happy with the results.

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