Wednesday, June 19, 2019

ClickHelp - A New To Me Help Authoring Tool

I'm familiar with the industry-leading help authoring tools like RoboHelp and Flare, but I had not heard of ClickHelp until seeing a blog post from Tom Johnson.

ClickHelp is a browser-based tool that can create documentation or online help in a variety of formats. Source content is stored on a documentation portal hosted by ClickHelp and you can also publish to their portal.

From a quick scan of their online documentation (in ClickHelp format), it appears to have most of the features that you'd expect for a modern authoring tool (reusable content, flexible import and export of several formats), conditional text, and so on).

Of course, the devil is in the details, and without experimenting with the free trial (which I would love to do but don't have the time), I can't say much more than it looks interesting. For more, read Tom's review and browse the docs online.

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