Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Document360: A New Authoring and Publishing Tool

The ever intersting Tom Johnson has written a first look at a new (to me, at least) documentation tool, Document 360. From his article summary:
Document360 is a new authoring and publishing tool that spans the needs of both support teams creating KB content and technical writers creating documentation. Document360 provides a good balance of features that will satisfy both audiences. Launched in July 2017, Document360 is already growing rapidly with a robust customer base. In this post, I'll show screenshots related to many of these features and talk about the need to bridge the gap betAtween KB and tech doc content.
After reading Tom's article, and looking through the Document360 documentation (which is written in Document360), I agree with his assessment that it looks like a good tool for creating help content, especially if that content is being shared with or provided by a support group. To me, it looks like something like a cross between a good wiki (Confluence, perhaps) and a database-driven tool like ServiceNow. However, there are limitations that would have made it unsuitable for quite a bit of my documentation when I was working, like having to write in Markdown (I can't imagine having to do complex tables that way).

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