Monday, March 25, 2019

NYT Releases Information Management Tool

Keeping track of information is critically important for a news organization like the New York Times. To help their reporters, they developed a tool called Library, and are now releasing it as open source on GitHub.
Library is a wiki powered by a Google Docs backend. When you connect Library to a shared folder or team drive, it will traverse the documents in the folders and create your site content. Documents in Library are searchable, taggable, and can be grouped by desks or categories.
To add a page to Library, you simply create a new Google Doc, or move an existing document into the folder or team drive that powers Library. Existing pages feature a convenient link that enables quick access to the Google Docs interface for any particular document, and editing the Google Doc makes changes to the page in Library.
I've read through the documentation on the example Library site, which includes the setup instructions. It looks moderately complex to set up, but the instructions appear detailed and complete, so it might be possible for a non-programmer like me to install it. It might be a good way to create a wiki for home use by my family; once set up, it should be no harder to use than standard Google Docs. I'd have jumped on this in a minute at the TMX.

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