Monday, March 25, 2024

Featured Links - March 25, 2024

Links to things I found interesting but didn't want to do a full blog post about.

Colourful sunset
  • We’re finally working out why the Mediterranean diet is so good for us ( link). "We have known for decades that the Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of heart attack and other conditions – now we are starting to understand how certain components of the diet work their magic."
  • How to Convert Images to Editable Text in Microsoft Word. "Want to extract text from an image in Microsoft Word? Here's how to convert images into editable text within Word." It's a bit round about but as long since Word doesn't have a native way of doing it. 
  • Media Matters publishes useful guide to Project 2025, the extreme right-wing agenda that "represents a threat to democracy, civil rights, the climate, and more". "We need to talk more about Project 2025, the terrifyingly right-wing blueprint crafted by right-wing think tank The Heritage Foundation that is meant to guide the next Republican administration. If you aren't very familiar with Project 2025, it's time to school yourself and start spreading the word."
  • The Publicly-Traded Presidential Candidate. From Jay Kuo: "One final note. The media needs to do a much better job warning about the dangers of such a publicly-traded candidacy and possible presidency. This is a man who has always been up for sale to the highest bidder, and who will now abuse the meme stock frenzy to achieve shocking personal financial gain while exposing our nation’s highest office to massive financial leverage. The American people need to be warned of the dangers inherent in this, far beyond the probable dispiriting headlines next week that Trump really will have become a billionaire, at least on meme stock paper."
  • Women are getting off birth control amid misinformation explosion (gift link). "Physicians say they’re seeing an explosion of birth-control misinformation online targeting a vulnerable demographic: people in their teens and early 20s who are more likely to believe what they see on their phones because of algorithms that feed them a stream of videos reinforcing messages often divorced from scientific evidence." 
  • There is a Royal Order of Adjectives, and you follow it without knowing what it is. "There is a Royal Order of Adjectives, and you follow it without knowing what it is—a particular sequence to use when more than one adjective precedes a noun. There are exceptions, of course, because English is three languages in a trenchcoat." I never thought about it much when I was working as a technical writer because I didn't use many adjectives in my documentation.
  • Blocking Burning Man and Vandalizing Van Gogh: Climate Activists Are Done Playing Nice. "Disruptive protests capture clicks. But in a movement that cites mass mobilization as the goal, can activists turn eyeballs into bodies?"
  • The evidence is clear: A liquid-only diet before a colonoscopy is unnecessary. "It is true that diet matters for colon cleansing. Certain foods can greatly obscure our views of the colon: corn, nuts, seeds, and many kinds of vegetables. But that leaves many solid foods that people can eat and digest without affecting the quality of their colonoscopy. A low-residue diet, one that is heavy on starch and protein and free of vegetables, is just as effective, and much less difficult to endure, than a diet restricted to clear liquids all day." The article source, StatNews, is a reputable site. 
  • EVs Are Much Lower-Emitting Than Combustion Cars. "Electric vehicles’ lifecycle emissions can be 70% lower than gasoline and diesel vehicles, BNEF finds in a new analysis."

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