Wednesday, October 07, 2020

N. K. Jemisin Awarded MacArthur Fellowship

Author N. K. Jemisin has been awarded a MacArthur Fellowship. The fellowship, commonly known as the "genius award", is worth $625,000 USD. 

Jemisin became the first author to win the Hugo Award for all three books in a trilogy. Her Broken Earth trilogy consists of the novels: The Fifth Element, The Obelisk Gate, and The Stone Sky. Her latest novel, The City We Became, was published early this year to considerable acclaim. 

Ms. Jemisin, 48, said she typically writes under contract, meaning that her books are held to an agreed-upon timeline. But with the financial freedom that the grant offers, she said that she now has the option to forgo those strictures and write on her own schedule.

“I will write my books first and sell them as I feel like selling them,” she said. “It presents me with a lot of freedom.”

That freedom is particularly tantalizing as Ms. Jemisin writes the second book in her Great Cities series, which imagines her home of New York City as being represented by sentient human avatars. Over the past several months, the upheaval in New York has also upended the plot that she had imagined. (For one, she decided to move up a story point about the New York Police Department “going rogue and attacking the city.”)

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