Thursday, October 01, 2020

In Praise of Dylon Travel Wash

This is an unsolicited testimonial for Dylon Travel Wash. Nancy and I found it in a Tesco in London a couple of years ago, after I got some olive oil on a dress shirt. It removed the stain, leaving no trace. Since then, we've ordered it through Amazon.

In the last couple of years, it's saved many pieces of clothing from a wide variety of stains, including ink, grease, and various condiments and sauces. It just works and will almost certainly remove any stain without a trace, as long as you apply it before it has a chance to set. (The stain may remain, if you've laundered and dried the clothing before catching the stain). 

It's intended purpose is as a laundry detergent for hand washing clothes while travelling, and it's fine for that, but it works better than any stain remover we've found. It's not cheap, but it's cheaper than buying new clothes.

As far as I can see, it's not available over the counter in North America, but you can easily order it from one of Amazon's British sellers. You may want to do so before Brexit takes effect at the end of next January. 

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