Monday, June 08, 2020

A Virtual Tour of the ISS

I've used Google Arts and Culture to take virtual tours of museums and art galleries, but I had no idea that they also have a virtual tour of the International Space Station (ISS). As this Gizmodo article points out, they have many more space-related resources. 
If you have kids and want to take them on a virtual summer vacation to the ISS, Google Arts & Culture also has an interactive article featuring 10 out-of-this-world facts about the ISS. This includes stuff kids will be interested in, like how the astronauts filter their urine to turn it into drinking water, and all the ways human bodies change when spending long periods of time in space.

Beyond that, the Space Exploration page on Google Arts & Culture contains a variety of other space-related information, photos and interactive virtual exhibits. These include an inside look at the moon landing on July 20, 1969, other historic images from space travel of the past, a tribute to women who have gone into space, information on Galileo and space exploration, Canada’s development of the Avro Arrow, a day in the life of a cosmonaut and an exhibit on the Viking Mars Mission.
If you want to find out more about what some of that stuff in the ISS is (and to the untrained eye it looks cluttered and confusing), YouTube has many tours created by astronauts, including Canada's own Chris Hadfield.

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