Thursday, February 14, 2019

How To Become a 10X Technical Writer

I must have gotten really behind current development practices, because technical writer, Tom Johnson, used a term I wasn't familiar with - a 10X technical writer. It's based on the term "10X engineer", meaning someone who is 10 times as productive as other engineers. (I doubt very much that there is anyone that good, although I could see someone being three times as productive).

In any case, he has five tips for becoming more productive. Based on my own experience, they're all good, but the first two are especially worthwhile.

  • Record your meetings with engineers to listen again later. I did this often and he's right. No matter how good you are at taking notes, you can't possibly get every detail that an engineer is giving you in real time.  A recorder can. 
  • Respond quickly to emails and messages. Doing so should give the impression that you are approachable. Again, based on personal experience with developers and project managers, I think he's right.
There's more in his article. It's aimed at technical writers, but could apply to many other jobs. 

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