Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Something Hit the Moon Sunday Night

Multiple observers have reported seeing or recording a bright flash on the moon during Sunday's total lunar eclipse. I certainly didn't see it, though I did go outside (in -27C weather) several times to look at the moon until the middle of the totality phase. It's almost certain that a large meteor hit the moon.
A number of different videos showed the same flash, at the same time and in the same place on the moon's surface. It was also cross-referenced with data from the  Moon Impacts Detection and Analysis System, or MIDAS for short, which is a scientific project that watches for the faint flashes that indicate some thing has hit the moon.
All of that allowed scientists to confirm that the moon did appear to have hit something, right in the middle of the lunar eclipse.
I hope that further observations will provide more details, including an estimate of the size of the body that hit the moon, and possibly before and after images of the site of the impact, either from Earth-based telescopes or one of the orbiting satellites.

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