Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Better Worlds from The Verge

A lot of modern science fiction and fantasy has gotten dark and dystopian. That's why The Verge has created a new, original, online muultimedia science fiction anthology called Better Worlds.
The stories of Better Worlds are not intended to be conflict-free utopias or Pollyanna-ish paeans about how tech will solve everything; many are set in societies where people face challenges, sometimes life-threatening ones. But all of them imagine worlds where technology has made life better and not worse, and characters find a throughline of hope. We hope these stories will offer you the same: inspiration, optimism, or, at the very least, a brief reprieve that makes you feel a little bit better about what awaits us in the future — if we find the will to make it so.
There will be eleven stories, five animated adaptations, and five audio adaptations published over the next month. The first story, also published in an animated format, is "A Theory of Flight" by Justin Ireland. Among the other authors in the anthology are John Scalzi, Kelly Robson, and Rivers Solomon.

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