Friday, January 18, 2019

Getting More From Your Kindle

I've been using an Amazon Kindle now for more than six years and I'm now on my fourth one (which should have been three except my first Kindle died a month after I got it and was replaced under warranty). I rarely read paper books any more, mostly due to being so nearsighted that it's difficult. Along the way, I thought that I've figured out most of the features of my Kindle, but I still keep finding new things to explore.

This article from has nine tips for Kindle users. Out of the nine, there were three that I didn't know about:

  • View the most highlighted passages in an ebook.
  • Extend your Kindle's battery life. 
  • Quickly your Kindle's brightness
The article links to another article that describes twelve sites that every Kindle user should know about. Again, there were several that I haven't seen and should find useful. 
Just so you know, my current Kindle is the Paperwhite 4, which Amazon introduced last fall. I was using a Paperwhite 3, but after several years the charging connector got loose, to the point where I couldn't charge it. I published a short review of it last month.

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