Monday, January 14, 2019

Google Canvas: A Simple Drawing App

Google Canvas is a new, simple drawing app from Google. It's available for Android, IOS, or over the web.

I played around with the web version for a while. It looks fairly straightforward and I'm sure that someone with more drawing talent than I have (which means most people) could create something worthwhile using it. There is a wide selection of templates for it and they aren't limited to just logos or banners, so you can create documents like resumés. While the basic selection of tools is free, it's loaded with in-app links to either purchase more features or upgrade to the Canvas for Work version.

According to Mobile Syrup, who picked it as their App of the Week, "Overall, Canva is a great option for creating a variety of things, including posters, images for social media, logos and more. It’s not hard to use, and your results usually look pretty good."

Note: In the blog labels, I am going to start using FAAMG for posts about Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google.

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