Thursday, January 10, 2019

Are Vegan Burgers Getting as Good as the Real Thing?

If this article is to be believed, vegan meat substitutes may have reached the point where they taste as good as the real thing. The Impossible Burger 2.0, described in this article, will be available in supermarkets in the fall.
At the Impossible Burger event in Las Vegas, I watched a pink patty turn crispy brown and then find its way to a bun, a sauce, and a plate that appeared in front of me, and I can’t lie. I chomped it, and I felt joy. If I were a better former vegetarian, I’d express some point about how I thought this new burger stood the chance of saving rainforests or transforming how we eat protein, but that’s not what was going through my head when I was munching on this faux cow sandwich. The Impossible Burger 2.0 just tasted great. Alongside a cold Shake Shack burger, it tasted very great. I’d go so far as to say that it would still taste great if that Shake Shack burger had been hot and lovely. The fact that I’m fantasizing about the ultimate perfectly matched Shake Shack versus Impossible Burger battle royale says a lot.
I am prepared to believe that this claim might be true. I've eaten at the Cosmic Treats cafe in Kensington Market a couple of times, and their "italian sausage" sandwich, to my taste, would fool me into thinking it was real meat if I didn't know better. 

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