Tuesday, March 30, 2021

SN11 Goes Boom!

SpaceX's Starship test program suffered another spectacular failure today, as Starship SN11 fell out of a foggy sky in pieces onto the launch pad. 

It's hard to tell exactly what happened because of the fog, but it looks like part of the Starship came off just before it hit the ground at high speed. There may have been a mid-air explosion. The official SpaceX webcast video stopped at 5:49 into the flight. A tweet by Elon Musk indicated that there may have been a problem with one of the Raptor engines on ascent; I did notice what seemed to be a fire above the engines during the ascent. 

This video posted on Twitter shows the last few seconds of the flight with sound. You can hear what seems to be a loud explosion and the sound of large pieces of metal hitting the ground. 

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