Saturday, February 06, 2021

The Fascist Imagery of Trump's Insurrection Movie

One of the more notable things about Trumps's speech before the January 6th insurrection was the movie shown at the rally. Slickly produced, it drips fascist imagery. 

This article analyses the movie, shot by shot, to show its antecedents in fascist imagery from the past and what that imagery actually means.

The video begins with Trump’s eyes in the shadow, and its second frame focuses the audience on the Capitol building – America’s Reichstag, where the decisions being denounced by the rally’s organizers were being made that day. The third frame of the video is the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles. This image immediately directs the attention of an audience attuned to an American fascist ideology to the supposedly elite class of Jews who, according to this ideology, control Hollywood. The appearance of the Hollywood sign makes no other sense in the context of a short video about an election. The next two images, of the UN General Assembly and the EU Parliament floor, connect supposed Jewish control of Hollywood to the goal of world government. As we have seen, according to Nazi ideology, Jews seek to use their control of the press and the entertainment industry to destroy individual nations. The beginning of the video focuses our attention on this supposedly “globalist,” but really Jewish, threat.

The analysis makes it perfectly clear what would have been in store for the US had Trump ended up as president for a second term – a fascist dictatorship. 

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