Saturday, November 07, 2020

Well, That Was Interesting

So Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States. That is something for which I am profoundly glad. 

I've made no secret here and elsewhere of what I think about Donald Trump and his regime; I believe that as the histories are written, he will be regarded as the worst president in the history of the United States. He and his enablers have done damage to the people of the United States, their environment, their political and judicial systems, and their society that may take a generation to heal. 

All is not rosy. There is still a chance that extremist Republicans could try to steal the election by manipulating the slates chosen for the electoral college, for example. The nation is clearly deeply and almost evenly divided. The pandemic is raging and its full effects have yet to be felt. 

But Biden's win has provided something that was missing for too long: hope.

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