Saturday, November 07, 2020

Merril Collection Has New Website

Toronto's Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Speculation, and Fantasy is one of the world's premiere libraries for the SFF field. It was originally founded based on a donation of Judith Merril's private collection, then known as the Space Out Library, and is now housed on the 3rd floor of the Lillian H. Smith Library in Toronto.

(The two dragons at the front entrance are name after Judy Merril and Lillian Smith. The one with the claws is Judy).

The library is a reference library with closed stacks so you can't just go in and browse the collection, but the friendly librarians there will be happy to bring out books that you are interested in. They also have a circulating collection as part of the branch library that they're housed in, as well as displays of rare books, fannish material, and art. 

Toronto Public Library has recently upgraded the Merril Collection's website and it's worth a look. You can search through lists of some of their materials, like graphic novels, and browse through scanned copies of some especially rare material. 

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