Thursday, November 19, 2020

How the Pandemic Has Changed Life In Toronto

The pandemic has had a huge effect on all of our lives. That's especially true in Toronto. Using statistics from Google, the folks at have been able to quantify some of the effects

The ways in which we all get around, procure food and spend our leisure time in particular have all seen significant shifts since the pandemic first hit in March, according to newly-released data from Google Maps

"The world has changed in 2020, and so has the way that we navigate it. From where we spend our time to how we get there - and everything in between," wrote the tech company in a release announcing its findings.

"As we head into the final months of 2020, Google Maps dove into Popular Times, traffic and search data to see where and how Torontonians have changed their patterns during the pandemic (March 2020 - October 2020)."

First up, transportation: Google saw a 53 per cent uptick in people looking at "cycling directions" for map routes, year over year, compared to the same time period in 2019.

This is, perhaps, unsurprising to people who regularly hit the roads, as bike traffic has been increasing not only since the pandemic, but steadily for more than a decade alongside a booming population and worsening congestion.

I suspect that many of the changes outlined in the article would be common to most large cities, especially in Canada.  

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