Saturday, November 02, 2019

Blade Runner and Philip K. Dick

Yesterday was Blade Runner day, the day on which the movie begins, November 1, 2019. In honour of that, the wonderful Pulp Librarian has a couple of Twitter threads that are worth reading.

The first is about Blade Runner, its beginning and history after its release and how it compares to the novel. The second is about what happened to Philip K. Dick in 1974 and how it affected his life.
In February 1974 something profound and inexplicable happened to author Philip K Dick that changed his life forever. Was it an illness, a psychotic reaction, or something truly mystical?
As it's #BladeRunner day today let's look back at the exegesis of Philip K Dick...
Both of these are essays split into tweets and illustrated with appropriate movie stills and book covers.

If you are on Twitter, you should be following the Pulp Librarian. They're one of the best posters I've come across and I look forward to seeing what they post each day.

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