Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A Couple of Shuttle Videos

It's beem a few years since the last flight of the Space Shuttle but I still see interesting articles and videos about it coming up in my various news feeds. Here are a couple of videos worth watching. 

First, the STS-1 Columbia "Resource Tape" (FULL Flow, Arrival, Launch, Post Landing. "Kindly donated to NASASpaceFlight.com a tape recording of the full STS-1 Resource Tape, which covers all of the STS-1 milestones, some parts not seen on the internet before." Video quality is very early 1980s, in other words, not great, but the footage is fascinating none the less.

The second is STS-134 Ascent Imagery Highlights from the final flight of Endeavour. "Space shuttle Endeavour and the STS-134 crew begin the journey to the International Space Station on May 16, 2011. Video quality on this one is very good and there are some spectacular scenes. 

One of the great regrets of my life is that I never got to see a Shuttle launch, or any other launch, for that matter. 

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