Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Trying to Be Positive About November

I try not to get too wrapped up in the rabbit hole of US politics, but it is hard to avoid without cutting off all my news feeds. There's a lot of negative news about Biden and poll results recently (the New York Times seems to have a special hate on for Biden these days) but as Jay Kuo points out in this Big Picture article, we're still six months out from the election and a lot of things can change in six months. 

And there's many reasons to be cautiously optimistic. A few (out of ten) that he points out are:

  • Biden needs to re-win just 3 of the 5 battleground states
  • The GOP is disorganized and near bankrupt in key states
  • Voters have not focused on Trump yet
I think the last is particularly important. Trump is clearly experiencing a significant mental decline and the pressure of the election campaign is not going to help him be more coherent. The Democrats are going to have many opportunities to savage him in the next few months. 

At this point, I'm more worried about the next Canadian election, where Canada's own mini-Trump is likely to unseat the current government and replace it with a right-wing kleptocracy. 

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