Friday, May 24, 2024

The Right Are Planning a Reich and They're Not Hiding It

So we have Trump calling for a "Unified Reich" (the post on his Truth Social has been taken down, but he still said it) and the far right developing a detailed plan to turn the US into an autocratic tyranny. They're not hiding what they want to do and if you are not white, cis male, well off, and Christian, you should be very afraid. 

Look anywhere in the “Project 2025” report, and what you’ll find is visceral disdain for any kind of pluralism and diversity channeled into a policy agenda aiming to extinguish it. “Mandate for Leadership” talks about “eliminating politicization” only to then present the whole laundry list of rightwing culture war grievances. DEI! CRT! Trans people! It is a policy agenda entirely fueled by the desire to take over government in order to make sure that it can’t act as an engine of egalitarian pluralism, and instead turn it into a tool to impose an extreme, reactionary vision on the entire country. 

And just to add spice to the pot, the leader of the "Progressive" Conservative party in Canada is a mini-Trump populist who wants to ban abortion and defund the CBC, and we have extreme conservatives in power in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Our own DoFo (aka Doug Ford) in Ontario is a milquetoast compared to Alberta's Danielle Smith.

Given that Canadian political trends tend to lag those in the US by five years or so, we could be in for a rough ride here in Canada too.

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