Saturday, May 18, 2024

Off for the Long Weekend

It's a long weekend up here in the now greening Great White North. Monday is Victoria Day, as it's known in Ontario, or more informally as the May 24 weekend, where Canadians can finally indulge in the traditional practice of knocking back a few cold ones on a dock (or in my case, a backyard patio). And gardening of course; it's the traditional time to plant your garden as we are likely out of the risk for a frost. (We do check the weather forecast, just in case; it has been known to snow even this late in the spring as Nancy and I found out about a decade ago). 

In the meantime enjoy these flowers that I found growing along one of our neighbourhood streets. .

Update: I had planned to do a post for Tuesday, but I was just too busy over the weekend. Maybe it'll go up on Wednesday.

Spring flowers

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