Friday, January 12, 2024

More Useful Coding Tutorials for Technical Writers

Here are some more links to tutorials for technical writers who want to improve their technical skills. These are all from the excellent freeCodeCamp site.

  • "This in-depth course will teach you Web Development for beginners. You'll learn key tools like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You'll even learn how to commit your code with Git and deploy it to the cloud. My friend Akash teaches this course. He's not only a developer – he's also CEO of a machine learning startup. This man knows webdev like the back of his hand, and he's stellar at teaching it." (20 hour YouTube course):
  • "If you're building an AI system, please consider learning about AI ethics. freeCodeCamp just published our second primer on this important and potentially extinction-preventing topic. You don't need to know a lot about programming or about philosophy to enjoy this course. You'll learn about the current Black Box AI approach that many Large Language Models use, and its limitations. You'll also learn about some scenarios that were previously considered to be science fiction, such as The Singularity. freeCodeCamp is proud to help inform the discourse on developing AI tools responsibly." (2 hour YouTube course):
  • "If you've experimented with Large Language Models like GPT-4, you may be somewhat disappointed by their capabilities. Well, getting good responses out of LLMs is a skill in itself. This course will teach you the art and the science of Prompt Engineering, and even introduce some AI-assisted coding concepts. Then you'll be able to write clearer prompts and get more helpful responses from AI. I spent some time learning these techniques myself, and was blown away by how much more useful they made ChatGPT for me." (3 hour YouTube course):
  • "freeCodeCamp also published a MySQL for Beginners course this week. You'll learn Relational Database concepts and SQL basics. This is a practical, jargon-free, no-nonsense course. I think you'll enjoy Josh's straightforward teaching style. It's clear to me that he's spent a large portion of his waking life using MySQL." (2 hour YouTube course):
  • "Harvard's CS50 course is the most popular course at Harvard, and the most-watched Computer Science course in history. Through freeCodeCamp's partnership with Harvard, I present to you the brand new 2023 edition of this course. You'll learn CS fundamentals like Data Structures and Algorithms. You'll also learn C programming, Python, SQL, and other key tools of the trade. I know learning to code is a big undertaking. Ease into it with this fun, beginner-friendly course." (26 hour YouTube course):
  • "A String is one of the most primordial of data types. You can find String variables in almost every programming language. Strings are just a sequence of characters, usually between two quote marks, like this: "banana". And yet there are so many things you can do with Strings: Concatenation, Comparison, Encoding, and even String Searching with Regular Expressions. Joan Ayebola wrote this in-depth handbook that will teach you everything you need to know about JavaScript Strings. (full  handbook)":

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