Thursday, April 21, 2022

An App to Help Users with Tremors

Users with tremors caused by Parkinson's or other neurological diseases can have trouble using phones and tablets. If you use an iPad, there is now an app called Staybl that can help by using the device's accelerometer to detect tremors and move the screen in the opposite direction to stabilize the field of view.

Other improvements made to the Staybl app that help make it more accessible and useable for those dealing with hand tremors were the removal of swipe and slide gestures required for navigation, enlarged buttons made easier to press, a higher contrast interface, and the use of the Atkinson Hyperlegible sans-serif font developed by the Braille Institute for improved legibility for readers with visual impairments through a design that makes individual letters easier to differentiate.

The app is currently only available for iPads but the developers hope to create versions for other devices and platforms.  

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