Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The 25 Most Significant Photos Since 1955

The New York Times has published a list (gift link) of the 25 "images that have best captured — and changed — the world since 1955". The judges were a varied group of photographers and academics.

I spent some time viewing the images and reading the descriptions. As you might expect, it's a varied group containing well known images from the news and esoteric fine art photos. I've seen many of the images before but nowhere near all of them. 

If I had to pick one image from the list it would be William E. Anders' "Earthrise" from the Appllo 8 mission, an image that helped to galvanize the modern environmental movement. Notably, there are no images by Edward Burtynsky, the Canadian environmntal photographer whose photos are now a cornerstone of that movement.

It's interesting that they published the article in their Style magazine and not in the main Sunday magazine. I wonder why, 

It's a fascinating article, well worth the taking the time to read and think about.

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