Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Sony Accessible Controller a Great Idea with One Flaw

I've never been a console gamer. I'm just too nearsighted and sitting on the floor three feet from the TV isn't my idea of fun. We've had consoles in the house for the kids, both Nintendo and X-Box, but I've never used them. 

I'm still interested in the technology though. My son plays games on his PC using an X-Box controller and that's something I could get into; depending on the game, it can make more sense than using a mouse and keyboard.

So I was interested to listen to the discussion of video game accessibility on the CBC last week. The associated article shows the new Sony accessibility controller for the PS5. It's highly customizable and is designed to handle a wide range of abilities. It's something that I'd consider using, but it won't work on a PC, even on games that have been designed for both the PS5 and PCs. I think that's a major an unfortunate oversight on Sony's part. 

Should I decide that I really want to try a controller on my PC, there's always the X-Box adaptive controller

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