Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Manuskript: An Open-Source Tool for Writers

Update: I've fixed the link to Manuskript. Sorry.

I came across an interesting tool while browsing through my Mastodon feed the other day. It's called Manuskript and it bills itself as an "open source tool for writers". 

At first glance, it seems to be similar to Scrivener, which several writers I know by. It's designed mainly for writing fiction, though it does have a "Simple" mode for non-fiction like documentation or research papers. 

If you write fiction and don't want to lay out around $100 CDN for Scrivener, Manuskript might be worth a look. 


Anonymous said...

Hello Keith,

The Manuskript link goes to Not sure it that is what you intended.

Best regards,

Keith Soltys said...

Oops, sorry. Thanks for pointing that out. I've fixed the link.