Friday, April 21, 2023

More Useful Coding Tutorials for Technical Writers

Here's some more links to coding tutorials for technical writers who want to improve their technical skills.

  • Learn HTML and CSS from the CEO of scrimba. "freeCodeCamp just published an HTML & CSS for Beginners course, where you learn by coding along at home and building 5 projects. It's taught by experienced software engineer and tech CEO Per Borgan. This course will teach you about Text Elements, the CSS Box Model, Chrome Devtools, Document Structure, and more. (5 hour YouTube course)"
  • How to Select Elements to Style in CSS. " Selectors are one of the most powerful concepts in CSS. And this tutorial will show common ways of grabbing HTML elements from a website's DOM using Selectors. You can then style these elements or run JavaScript on them. You'll also learn about CSS IDs, Classes, and Pseudo-classes. You'll even learn about the mythical, magical Universal Selector. (12 minute read)"
  • UX vs UI – What's the Difference? Definition and Meaning. "User Interface VS User Experience – what's the difference, you might ask? Well, User Interfaces have been around since the industrial revolution. Think the control room of a power station, or the cockpit of a plane. But User Experience – that's a more recent way of thinking about Human-Computer Interaction. The term was coined in the 1990s by a designer and cognitive psychologist at Apple. This tutorial by freeCodeCamp instructor Dionysia Lemonaki will explain the distinctions between the two and their shared history. She'll also walk you through the UX Design Process. (20 minute read)"
  • HTTP Networking Protocol Course. "Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the foundation of data communication on the World Wide Web. And this in-depth course will teach you how this massive network of computers really works. You'll learn about Domain Name Systems, URL paths, security, and more. If you're interested in networks and back end development, this course should be well worth your time. (5 hour YouTube course)"
  • LOOKUP Functions in Google Sheets and Excel – VLOOKUP, XLOOKUP, and More. "In my years as a developer, I've found that people greatly underestimate how powerful spreadsheets are for doing data analysis. You don't need to be a statistician to squeeze out meaningful insights from your spreadsheet. One of the most helpful spreadsheet functions is LOOKUP, and its descendants VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and XLOOKUP. This in-depth tutorial will show you how to wield these powerful functions to slice and dice data just the way you need it. (14 minute read + video)"

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