Thursday, September 22, 2022

Norman Rockwell's Political Art

I've always liked Norman Rockwell's art ever since encountering it on the covers of Saturday Evening Post when I was young. I know he is sometimes regarded as bland and "just an illustrator" but if you take a closer look at his art, there's much more to it than that.

Here's a YouTube video that looks at some of his political art (yes, he did some political paintings). I found it quite fascinating. 

Norman Rockwell is known for his paintings which, many people will say, are far from daring. Some will say that they’re outright boring. He illustrated the covers of the Saturday Evening Post, a very popular magazine during the first half of the century. His art was made to be as “mass-market” as possible, which is why it’s unsurprisingly apolitical and uncontroversial. Yet, Rockwell has done political paintings and social commentary and, in this video, we’ll take a look at two projects of his which had a political undertone: The Four Freedoms series (with notably Freedom From Want) during WWII and The Problem We All Live With, which depicts the story of Ruby Bridges during the New Orleans Desegregation Crisis in 1960.


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