Friday, August 26, 2022

We're Toast 26

This post is a collection of links that support my increasingly strong feeling that the human race (or at least our technological civilization) is doomed. It is part of an ongoing series of posts.

  • The Gathering Crisis. "Here is a compendium of the firehose of dismay that's been blasting me in the face for the past couple of weeks. Share and enjoy! And feel free to use the comment thread to discuss what's coming next for the UK as the vector sum of Brexit, COVID19, the energy crisis from the Ukraine war, and the worst inflationary bubble since 1980 punches us in the face."
  • Long Covid is affecting millions of Americans and the consequences are devastating. 'Millions of Americans who caught COVID have gone on to develop a range of debilitating symptoms that last for weeks, months, or years—this condition is called "Post Acute Sequelae of COVID-19," or "long COVID." Last month, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis held a hearing to discuss the "devastating health and economic impacts of long COVID."'
  • Most bleak federal report yet on high-tide/sunny-day tide floods. "Remember the octopus in the Miami parking garage in 2016? Think of it as today’s modern-day canary in the coal mine."
  • The dark money billionaire-funded Tea Party Patriots has an "action guide" for disrupting public health measures. "This guide was published last summer by the billionaire-funded dark money group Tea Party Patriots Action to help people defeat public health measures like mask requirements. It's probably not the entire reason we've gotten to the point of being told to just 'live with the virus' while cases and deaths rage on, but it's certainly part of the story."
  • Nuclear war between two nations could spark global famine. "Even a small conflict in which two nations unleash nuclear weapons on each other could lead to worldwide famine, research suggests. Soot from burning cities would encircle the planet and cool it by reflecting sunlight back into space. This in turn would cause global crop failures that — in a worst-case scenario — could put five billion people on the brink of death."
  • Google Search Is Quietly Damaging Democracy. "A series of incremental changes over the years has transformed the tool from an explorative search function to one that is ripe for deception."

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