Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Stopping COVID-19 In Your Home

There's a lot of COVID-19 going around right now. I've heard of more than half a dozen cases in my family or friends in the last week. So what do you do if someone in your household gets it? It is possible to avoid further transmission, even in a close household, but there are some things you need to do.

This Twitter thread from a HVAC engineer focuses, as you might expect, on avoiding transmission by improving ventilation as much as possible. Given that COVID-19 is mostly spread by airborne particles, this makes a lot of sense. Here's some of it:

Right away - N95s, open windows, turn on filters. 

If you can, setup an isolation room.

Here are some things to do:

1. Run a filter in the isolation room. If any air escapes, it will have less virus.

 2. Try to block any paths that the air can leak into the house at the door.

3. Create negative pressure in the room - turn on an exhaust fan in an adjacent bathroom or have a fan blowing air out a window. This will cause air to leak into the room and not out.

4. Run a humidifier in the room if the air is dry.

5. If a return vent is located in the isolation room, block it by taping plastic around it. They look like this: 


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