Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Movie and TV Reviews - February 2022

Here are some short reviews of things I watched in February. Mostly it was TV shows this month as we worked our way through several series.


  • Come From Away: This musical is based on what happened in Gander, Newfoundland on 9/11 when the small town was inundated with passengers from more than 30 airliners that had to make emergency landings. I am not a big fan of musicals but I really enjoyed this; it's one of the best theatrical productions of any sort that I've seen. (Apple TV+)

TV Shows

  • Doom Patrol (Seasons 2 and 3): This show got stranger and more gonzo as it went along. It's a credit to the producers, writers, and actors that I enjoyed it as much as I did even though I often had trouble following what was going on (mostly due to my lack of knowledge of the DC comic universe and not paying enough attention). 
  • Doctor Who (Season 12): I didn't enjoy this season very much. There's too much time running around yelling, on both the part of Jodie Whittaker and her companions. She's a capable enough actor, but the writing isn't up to the level of some of the previous seasons, although it did get better towards the end of the season.(BBC)
  • Reacher (Season 1): I enjoyed this series though more for the quality of the supporting actors than Alan Ritchson. (He's a good actor, but the role didn't work for me). It was nice to see some local places show up at various points. (Amazon Prime)
  • Line of Duty (Season 6): This is one of the very best British crime dramas with superb acting and tight, engaging, and tense plots. The only series that comes close to matching it is the recent Manhunt with Martin Clunes. The ending of the season leaves it open as to whether it will continue, although if it does, it may be without some of the current actors. (BBC)
  • Grantchester (Season 1 and 2). Here's another British crime dramas, this with a vicar as the main character. I thought it would be lighter than it turned out to be. It's good, but would benefit from longer episodes as the one-hour format compresses too much into a show. (PBS Masterpiece)

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