Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Movie and TV Reviews - May 2021

Here are some short reviews of things I watched in May. It's baseball season, so there won't be as much as usual.


  • Tenet: This was supposed to be the big summer blockbuster of 2020, but the pandemic got in the way. I'm not sure how much of a hit it would have been. It's an easy movie to watch as long as you don't expect anything to make any sense. Nolan needs to pay less attention to his big set pieces and more to fashioning a coherent storyline that normal people can understand in less than three viewings.
  • Army of the Dead: The first third is great, the second third OK, but it falls apart in the last third. Another action flick that could have been great if more attention had been paid to the storyline. Yes, I know it's a zombie movie, but still. (Netflix)

TV Shows

  • Coast Australia/Coast New Zealand: I enjoyed these series as they showed a part of the world I don't know much about and likely will never visit. It concentrates on the people living along the coasts and not so much on the scenery. (Knowledge Network)
  • Midsomer Murders - Season 22: Only two episodes available until the fall, unfortunately. Still our favourite British mystery show. (Acorn TV)
  • For the Love of Dogs: A series featuring a British vet who specializes in treating especially sick or broken dogs. A bit cute but it's nice to see how much care and love the animals are getting. (CBC Gem)
  • Money Explained: A short series explaining the ins and outs of various financial topics. I think it's aimed at high-school students but I still learned a few things. The episode on credit cards is particularly good. (Netflix)
  • Mon Sain-Michel: Resistance Through the Ages: Mont Saint-Michel is on my bucket list of places I'd like to visit but I never knew much about it's history or gave much thought to how it was built, which are all covered in this documentary. (Knowledge Network)

1 comment:

Martin R said...

Coast is a spin of of a UK series which initially concentrated on the UK cosatline but then expanded into European coast in the UK vicinity (North Sea)