Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Some Useful Photography Information

I've been using cameras most of my adult life and even worked in a camera store for a few years, so photographic technique is pretty much automatic for me by now. I have to remind myself that, for someone moving from a smartphone to a digital camera, there's a steep learning curve involved. 

Here are a couple of sites that might help. 

  • Creative Blog has an article featuring a nifty infographic created by Skylum. I couldn't load the original graphic, but the one shown in the article is pretty legible. 
  • Digital Photography School's Photographic Terminology is a glossary of 69 photographic terms. There's a lot of photographic jargon out there; this glossary will help to explain it. 
  • Amateur Photographer is a weekly British magazine. I've been reading it for several years and look forward to each week's issue. It strikes a good balance between the art, techniques, and technology of modern photography. As well as viewing their website, you can read it on PressReader (available from many libraries)

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