Tuesday, August 11, 2020

In Praise of Jupiter Ascending

Nancy and I quite like Jupiter Ascending. We saw it at the theatre when it came out and have watched it a couple of times on Blu-Ray. There's more to it than you might get on first viewing, as this article points out

The plot, honestly, is merely a vehicle for the visual language of the world it inhabits. From Caine's little wolfen ears to the spaceships on Earth leaving crop circles, every detail is thought out, even if that thought is just "man, wouldn't this look cool?" The costumes alone warrant a watch, every battle costume is badass and every ball gown extravagant.

The script, underneath about seven layers of worldbuilding and action scenes, is a genuine statement about capitalism, the use of human life as a consumable resource, and a bit about bureaucracy. There is a lot of clunky dialogue, but it's the kind of dialogue you can chuckle at, not wince over, like when Caine explains his spliced-with-wolf DNA to Jupiter and she flirtatiously answers "I love dogs. I've always loved dogs."

If you have a big TV and a good sound system, Jupiter Ascending is a wonderful choice for a Saturday night popcorn movie.  

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