Friday, August 21, 2020

Getting Into Responsive Web Design

As phones and other mobile devices become the main method for people to access the internet, making sure that web sites and online documentation is mobile friendly becomes more important. Responsive web design ensures that content is accessible no matter what device is used to view it. 

Most modern authoring tools now feature responsive output as one of their output options. Although they've become friendlier, and you don't generally need to delve into the code, it does help to have a basic understanding of how the technology works, just in case something breaks (and sooner or later, it will). 

freeCodeCamp has published a couple of articles about responsive web design. First, here's brief introduction to responsive web design that covers the basics. It's a good summary for technical writers who want to understand just what their tools are doing behind the scenes. If you want to understand why responsive web design came about in the first place, here's an article on the history of responsive web design and the problems it is intended to solve. 

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