Saturday, October 05, 2019

Will Trump Ever Leave the White House?

With the impeachment process gearing up and what seems like daily revelations of more Trumpian malfeasance, there is a real possibility that Trump may be impeached and convicted in the Senate. But would he leave the White House? And if he didn't, what would happen.

That's the question raised by this article in the New York Times. The author spoke to several constitutional experts. Opinions varied, but the consensus seems to be that much depends on Republican senators and Fox news. Given the performance of the Republican party over the last few years, that does not leave me reassured.

In the end it will likely be the reaction of Trump's core supporters that determines the outcome.
Over and above that, Mason wrote, it’s possible that the social sorting that we have observed over the last few decades has been a gradual movement toward a real reckoning with race in American politics and society that we haven’t ever really had to face.
If, she continued, Americans were to have a true reckoning with our legacy of racial violence and bias, we should expect to see a strong backlash from the forces of white supremacy that have been in America’s DNA since the founding. An optimistic view is that we are in the beginning of this process now. A pessimistic view allows that the backlash might succeed. Either way, it is not inconsistent with Trump’s evocation of Civil War.

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