Tuesday, October 01, 2019

How To Back Up Your Android Device Properly

Over the past few years, I've had more than one family member or friend lose data because they didn't have backups set properly on their Android phones. It's easy to set up once, and once you're done your key data (for most people, that will be pictures and contact information) is securely backed up to Google (or possibly Samsung, if you're using a Samsung phone).

How to Back Up Your Android Device Properly is a guide from MakeUseOf that covers several different aspects of backing up your Android device, be it a tablet or phone. (Some of the advice might also work for Chromebooks, but I don't have one so I can't verify that).

For most people, setting up backups on their Google account will be the first and most important thing to do. I should note that once you've done this, you can use the backed up data to help you set up a new device. When I recently bought a Samsung tablet, I was able to use the backup from my phone to simplify setting up the tablet.

The article also covers backing up your photos, contacts, text mesages, and other files, as well as copying your phone's files to a PC. There's also a brief description of third-party backup apps.

Don't risk losing your data. Backups are easy to set up and you'll be glad you did when your phone dies.

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