Thursday, November 07, 2024

A Prescription for the Coming Dark Times

I am not optimistic about the near future. There is no scenario in which Trump's election can be considered a good thing. We are in for a period of chaos in disruption in politics, the economy, society, and international relations. What do we do now?

Ken White is a Los Angeles-based lawyer who publishes a blog under the title of "The Popehat Report". His post yesterday is the best thing I've read about Trump's election, what it means for us, and what we can do cope with the coming dark times.  

Modernity has spoiled us in thinking things won’t get dramatically and catastrophically worse, worse in a way that will last for generations. But things have gotten abruptly much worse before, and they can again. And yet people must persevere, even if their children and grandchildren who will see the benefits and not them.

Trump won yesterday, as I feared he would. I firmly believe America — and likely the world — will get significantly worse for at least a generation, probably more. I’ll spare you, for now, the why. Frankly, I think you either already accept it or will never accept it. The things I care about, like the rule of law and equality before it, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, free trade in service of free people, relative prosperity, protection of the weak from the strong, truth, and human dignity are all going to suffer. Bullies and their sycophants and apologists will thrive.

What should we do?

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