Friday, August 09, 2024

We're Toast 51

This post is a collection of links that support my increasingly strong feeling that the human race (or at least our technological civilization) is doomed. It is part of an ongoing series of posts. 

Condo construction by night
  • Study finds 'catastrophic' decrease in migratory fish populations: 'A deafening wake-up call for the world' "We cannot continue to let them slip silently away."
  • The True Catastrophe of Our TimeaOr How to Be Destructive Beyond Compare. "I;ve been writing about climate change for so many years now but, in truth, it was always something I read about and took in globally. It was happening out there, often in horrific ways, but not what I felt I was living through myself. (It’s true that, in past winters, Manhattan’s Central Park went 653 days without producing an inch of snow, almost double any previous record, but if you’re not a kid with a sled in the closet, that’s the sort of thing you don’t really feel.) However, that’s begun to change."
  • Ukraine Uses Science Fiction Technology To Neutralize Russia’s Deadliest Mine. The war in Ukraine is accelerating the development of weapons, both offensive and defensive.
  • Agricultural enigma: A mysterious decline in his harvests leaves a farmer searching for a solution. "The first year that production fell, he assumed bad weather was to blame. The reality was much more dire."
  • Retreating Andean rocks signal the world's glaciers are melting far faster than predicted, report scientists. "Rocks recently exposed to the sky after being covered with prehistoric ice show that tropical glaciers have shrunk to their smallest size in more than 11,700 years, revealing the tropics have already warmed past limits last seen earlier in the Holocene age, researchers from Boston College report in the journal Science."
  • The climate is changing so fast that we haven’t seen how bad extreme weather could get. "Decades-old statistics no longer represent what is possible in the present day."
  • Anti-Mask Harassment at Nassau County’s Mask Ban Hearing. "On August 5th, two of our co-writers, along with many concerned citizens, attended the hearing on Nassau County’s proposed mask ban. Many disabled and immunocompromised mask-wearers risked their health to speak out for their right to exist in public spaces. We anticipated some hostility from those who opposed masks, but we were horrified by the level of harassment, intimidation, and blatant disregard for dignity. This behavior highlights the dangerous precedent this ban sets by opening the door to discrimination and violence."
  • How fascist misinformation and violence are fueling a national crisis in the UK. "Fascist mobs fueled by misinformation are wreaking havoc across the UK, exposing deep-seated issues of racism and political extremism."
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